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Thread: AWOL July 17-24, 2021

  1. #1

    Smile AWOL July 17-24, 2021

    AWOL - July 17-24, 2021
    My 30th Trip

    Note: the arrival and departure information are very similar to my February trip – so forgive the repetition. I know peeps going soon may want the same info as peeps did back then. 😊

    Pre-Trip and Arrival

    Important - check this site prior to arrival for updates:

    HHS site for testing locations:

    H2 CV Info:

    Same as in February, I went to CVS and had their rapid result antigen test done. I got the results in about 15 minutes via a phone call and they also sent a text message with a link to a PDF version that is what I took on my tablet and a couple printed copies (for the airport & resort).

    I submitted my travel authorization on Tuesday for my Saturday arrival ( and it was painless. They do ask for an emergency contact and the form includes the customs form we normally do separately. Nice thing is the data you enter in the medical section carries over to it. You do need your passport information and when you get to the signature box, you actually use your mouse to draw in the box. My 'approval' was immediate after I got the application submitted popup. I then downloaded the approval PNG/image file to put it on my tablet and printed a copy.
    The airline needed to see the CVS test result and travel auth. Then the club mobay rep just needed to know I had filled out the travel auth online so they could check their list both at immigration and customs.

    The lovely Sun Holiday shuttle lady once again was all smiles when she saw me and, after a brief time in club mobay, I ended up on one of the large busses with friends from previous trips. This is why I take the shuttle – you get to hang with peeps you know and meet new ones before you even get to the resort.

    The resort still wants a printed copy of your test results, has sanitizer upon arriving and has you sign the extra waiver. Then they give you a water bottle (worked better this time around) that I used to keep water in my fridge and a new rubber wristband key. This new key worked well throughout the week and, yes, you do have to turn it back in upon check out.

    While there…

    The resort was full (up to the 70 or 80% capacity allowed-not sure which) both this week and the week after us. It was really good to see my peeps as always and staff who have become framily. Does a mind, body and soul good to just be there.

    Peeps wonder about how they meet others. This time around I was waiting at the bar moving to the music playing in the courtyard when an awesome lady joined me and wanted me to drop it like it’s hot. 1st-day-itis (3 hrs of sleep) had me not quite there yet, but I liked her instantly and brought her over to my friends to hang out. Aka meeting people is as easy as that!
    Another of the amazing things new to the resort/idea peeps don’t expect is when a couple gets engaged at the resort. It happened this trip when a great guy asked his gal to marry him in front of everyone on the dining room stage. The cheers after she accepted shook the roof.

    A big shout out goes to the free spirits there our week including the ones wearing the adult sized butterfly wings and specifically ‘Mr. Wiggles’. The resort is a free to be place and I love getting to know peeps who enjoy different styles of living and loving. As a song goes…’Free Your Mind…”

    For the 2nd time in 30 trips, I did end up getting a case of food poisoning from 4am chicken bites that bit back. This is not a norm and I’ll stick to food cooked to order that late next time. I still had fun and would have done that night all over again (minus said chicken bites). The amount of ‘motor-boating’ 😉 and laughter that night had peeps in rooms next to the pool commenting on it with smiles on their faces (sorry, yet not sorry).

    That said - for anyone nursing a hangover or having tummy issues, there is a brew behind the bar that may help. It def doesn’t’ taste good, but has a lot of good stuff in it and has been know to wake the almost dead – Fernet:

    The piano bar in the summer is my life line for A/C and also a spot we hang out talking and laughing. This time during karaoke, there was an interesting song a fab gent sung that I had never heard of – enjoy! LOL!

    And finally, but not to be ignored. One lady who likes ladies commented about how many loverly kitties were within view. Then later in the week, one of my gal friends also got a sighting of Mr. Anaconda. 😉

    Return Testing and Departure

    Return testing sign-up is done via a computer on a desk in the lobby next to the dining area. The actual test is done on the deck behind the piano bar 3 days before your flight. The results form only lists the date (not a time).

    My return test was done and I passed. They make sure you had filled out the online form and take your name. Then they poke 1 side, not great, but briefly. You stay there while the results are processed and they email them using the email address you entered when signing up.

    The test result email is sent the same day as the test and you can have the front desk print a copy by telling them your room number.

    Before returning you also have to complete an online 'attestation' form via a link provided by your airline. I did mine when checking in a day before the flight.

    At the airport the Southwest rep checked their system for the attestation online submission and the negative test result print out. Then the luggage check-in and boarding were normal. Club Mobay has a menu with similar food items as before that you order from and everything is brought to you.

    Note: I’ve seen many different/conflicting posts on forums and need to relay real info. Yes, there were positive test results and people quarantined starting with at least 1 person the week before us and then from what someone in the quarantine area said about 22 people between our week and the week after us. If 1 person in a couple tested positive, both were moved into the far side section of GVR rooms. They ordered and were brought meals and even bottles of booze. Some got pretty creative in entertaining themselves until they tested negative and could return to the US. I won’t respond to asks about these or the process. It is best to check the official sites for updated information, not posts on forums. 😉

    One Love, Tons of Laughter and, yes, February’s Lovin’ Life trip soon come after!

    Comment Card (MIA) Comments

    They no longer have paper comment cards and the front desk said we would be emailed one that we could use. I never got an email and like the ability to give productive feedback for our ever changing/updating ‘home’. So, here’s my latest…

     They have 2 wonderful floor fans in the disco now that were a much needed and happy addition to that area. Wow can it get hot in there! My suggestion is to put a similar setup in the dining area with one blowing from the lobby and another on the opposite corner blowing out. The dining room in the summer is crazy hot and the fans blow the internal area around, but don’t capture new breezes. I found a table with the best airflow and stuck to it (when I could) vs sitting with my peeps – though some found me and why I sat there soon after. I was sitting at the table when a lady literally passed out, given part of that was probably from booze, but the heat is no joke too.

     The food is good, but since the last chef left, the buffet variety has lessened. Grilled pork chops were yummy both nights I had them, but it was 2 nights in a row and missing some diversity for buffet hot meal options. Also, the Pastafari menu was missing some basic Italian dishes where noodles were usually part of the choice. Chicken parmesan came with mashed potatoes on top of the red sauce instead of noodles, which just seemed odd to me and just not appetizing (& I like mashed potatoes).

     Lastly, but unfortunately, not the ‘least’ item. We overlapped with the DMV group, who have some really awesome members and energy. Kicker is security works their butt off (literally) the week they are there because of the consistent issues with people with real clothes wanting to sit over on the wild side and the number of phones with cameras being used all over was unlike any other week. They had a good energy pool party on the wild side one day and members of their group sat with sundresses on and with phones out during it. Security was handing out towels and the members would just put the towel on over their clothes. Many groups handle their own member issues/oddities within the group. This group’s leaders and staff didn’t do anything about it. Instead, I do believe security wore themselves out to the extent that by the end of the week they gave up and clothed group members were sitting at the grill eating even though the prude side one was open (with our fav chef, Doreth). I had peeps tell me that if this was their first trip, they wouldn’t have come back – not a good 1st impression. Luckily, I haven’t found these issues in this quantity throughout the week in any other group while I have been there, but also can’t recommend this week for those who do primarily like the wild side because of these issues. Our week was moved next year to the following week instead.
    Lovin' Life Returns to H2!
    February 25 - March 4, 2023
    A Castaways Travel Agency Group

  2. #2
    Registered User ShawneeKat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thank you for your trip report. We head back in 23 days. Truly appreciate the recent details.
    Hedo II - My Happy Place

    April 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, & 2021 (no 2020, darn COVID)
    Sept. 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, & 2022

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Feb 2007
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    Outstanding and detailed trip report. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share it and providing both the good and bad. You just motivated me to get to work on my June 2021 trip report which I have been procrastinating about.

  4. #4
    You're welcome!

    I can't wait until I don't have to report on the process for going and getting back, but while it's happening I will keep doing so.

    February soon come!

    Lovin' Life Returns to H2!
    February 25 - March 4, 2023
    A Castaways Travel Agency Group

  5. #5
    Registered User resiewneb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Thanks for the detailed post. So helpful

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