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Thread: HIV Testing At Hedo

  1. #1
    Registered User sexylady's Avatar
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    HIV Testing At Hedo

    There was this Ashram in Oregon by OSHO, that advocated free open sex in the 60's and 70's. The IRS hounded him out from Oregon and they settled in Pune (India). Even now, anyone who wishes to visit the place, has to start the tour with an AIDs test. I wonder if Hedo could have such a facility (voluntary, of course). We can then indulge in some real stuff (LoL).
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  2. #2
    Registered User CopNkitten's Avatar
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    Unfortunately AIDS is not the only thing to worry about in this day and age.
    Nothing is totally safe, for sure. Life even is not.
    But with us, no glove, no love.
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  3. #3
    Registered User HedoJoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sexylady View Post
    I wonder if Hedo could have such a facility (voluntary, of course). We can then indulge in some real stuff (LoL).
    Hedo is not a sex resort. Besides, it could be up to two months before someone who has been exposed to HIV would show up positive.
    Joe & Ellen
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  4. #4
    Registered User CopNkitten's Avatar
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    Great point Joe, on the job, if we think we are exposed we get tested right away, because it would not show up, then six months later.
    Co-Hosts of kitten + angel's 15th Annual Spring Fling April 9th - 16th, 2022 (We will be onsite 4/7/22 - 4/18/22)

  5. #5
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    Old post, I know...but it brings up some questions on other STIs I've had. Sorry if it's taboo to be so specific, but I know my stats, so I have to refer to them. For example, let's take HSV-2 since it's one that will never leave ya once ya got it:

    1 in 4 women and 1 in 5 men have the virus and of those, 75% don't even know they have it. Viral shedding enables it to be transmitted without sores/blisters....without any signs at all...and the virus can and does shed on regular pelvic area skin outside the condom area. So with that being said, can someone please help me understand how not many people worry about things getting passed around when people just seem to rely on a couple's word that they are STI-free? Are people realllllly honest? It would seem that a fairly high % of L/S couples have genital HSV-2. Do most of you just assume that is the case and think the condom protects you "enough"? Or it almost better to find those that HAVE herpes and have sex more freely?

    Please understand: I am NOT judging anyone. I am new to all of this....very new and very inquisitive. And I can't seem to find anyone that will really address this topic fully. I know it's not a fun one. Very sorry if it is a sore subject for some.... Thanks ahead of time for any candid answers.
    First Hedo will be Hedoween 2016!
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  6. #6
    Registered User happy2us's Avatar
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    I think your questions are reasonable and fair. However, just like anything else, you can't toss everyone in the LS into 1 bucket of how they approach it. We know people who play hard on a 1st date and often. We know people who only soft swap. The reality is not too different from dating. You talk to people. You spend time with them, learn about their likes and dislikes and through conversation get an idea of what type of people they are. Is it fullproof? No different than dating. How many dates did you wait when you were single before having relations? We come from the quality over quantity segment and have no problem not playing for very extended periods of time if it happens to work that way. We don't have a huge amount of experience cumulatively and that works well for us (we happen to really like each other which helps since it's not a requirement to add outsiders). So bottom line, be careful, play safe, take your time if that's what works for your and have fun!

    And one last thing, sounds like you always disclose STDs ahead of time which is the ticket to excellent karma.
    Last edited by happy2us; 07-25-2016 at 07:05 PM.
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  7. #7
    Registered User VegasLuvr's Avatar
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    hell other way for us either....
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  8. #8
    Registered User VegasLuvr's Avatar
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    nice happy2us....sounds like us...we "feel" everyone out too.
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  9. #9
    Registered User Danny Boy's Avatar
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    Like most people we have met in the LS we need to know someone a bit before we play and then always play safe. However as regards to hsv-2 your numbers are a bit off. In actuallity at age 45+ it is believed that as many as 6 0ut of 10 people have it and up to 80% do not even know it. And here is one even scarier im afraid. HSV-1 Is believed to infect as many as 7 in 10 people by age 30 and yes it is just a cold sores but it can still be transmitted to genitalia. Not to be an even bigger doom and gloom bringer but if you go to the doctors and ask for a full STD panel chances are they will not even test for hsv1 or 2 in most cases because it is so predominant.
    The wife and i are very new to the lifestyle and have been very lucky to date but we also understand that there are risk associated with this choice of life and except the consequences that may come with it. I think if you are choosey and have real conversations with people and trust your gut it goes a long way to protect you.

  10. #10
    Registered User happy2us's Avatar
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    After reading your post Danny, we just cancelled Hedoween!

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one out of six people in the United States aged 14 to 49 have genital herpes caused by the HSV-2 infection (the herpes simplex virus often responsible for genital herpes).Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited by happy2us; 07-26-2016 at 09:28 AM.
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  11. #11
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    Gardasil protects against many of the HSV forms (including warts), and you can get it as an adult if you like. Insurance will not cover it, and if you've already been infected its too late, and it'll cost around $500, but you'll be safely vaccinated. I've done it.
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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Gardasil protects against many of the HSV forms (including warts), and you can get it as an adult if you like. Insurance will not cover it, and if you've already been infected its too late, and it'll cost around $500, but you'll be safely vaccinated. I've done it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Gardasil protects against many of the HSV forms (including warts), and you can get it as an adult if you like. Insurance will not cover it, and if you've already been infected its too late, and it'll cost around $500, but you'll be safely vaccinated. I've done it.
    Not to be picky but I think it is important to be clear that Gardasil does not protect against HSV (herpes simplex virus) or any other STD accept HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). More specifically, genital warts and certain cancer causing strains (not all). Also, Gardasil can not be administer to those over 26.

    A few STD nuggets others might find interesting:

    To contract HSV, it has to be skin-to-skin contact of an active virus with an opening in the skin. Mucus membranes like the vagina, rectum, urinary tract, and oral cavity are easily penetrated by the virus and does not need an opening. The virus it self is very frail, not able to live on most surfaces. Testing needs to be very specific and positives don't necessarily mean that person has HSV. Chicken pox and shingles are caused by a herpes strain (varicella zoster) and anyone who has it could induce a false positive.

    The one STD most people forget about is syphilis. This causes herpes like lesions and symptoms but is treatable (penicillin) if recognized. However, if left untreated causes dementia.

    HIV we are all familiar with. HIV therapy is so advanced now that life expectancy rates may soon be close to normal if not so already.

    IMHO as a health care provider, Hep C would be the most devastating. Although there is great success with new treatments, still no 100% cure. Regardless of treatment success once the liver damage, cirrhosis or scaring, has occurred it is not reversible. Depending on the amount of damage, the entire body could be affected.

    HPV is a sneaky bastard. There is no 100% treatment, cure or preventative. Those infected can have absolutely no symptoms but continue to infect others for years. It is nearly impossible to test for unless there is an active lesion. It is believed that nearly 50%, maybe more, of adult women have/had HPV at some point in their lives. It is the only STD known to directly cause cancer. Like most, it increases the risk of contracting other STD's. There are numerous strains and only a few cause visible warts or cancer. On a positive note, most cancer causing strains are self limiting and spontaneously resolve in 1-2 years.

    Believe me, I don't want to contract any of these diseases and would hope that others would be honest when disclosing their STD history. I consider myself an open minded and educated person. If I am really into a you and you are honest with me, then I would try to find a way to enjoy ourselves that makes us both comfortable. I am not naive in believing that everyone thinks like me. My suggestion to anyone in the LS, new or old, is to educate yourself as much as possible and I mean truly educate. Don't just look at wikipedia or WebMD (not considered reliable sources to clinicians). The more you know the better you can prepare yourself and decide what you are willing to risk. This can reduce fear and anxiety, allowing yourself to relax and enjoy the experience. Until we find a cure for all STD's and more sensitive testing, the best policy is to assume a person you have sexual contact with has everything. Their honest denial could very well be proven true but ultimately WRONG!
    Last edited by ChriBlsm3D; 10-28-2016 at 05:08 PM.

  13. #13
    Registered User 2play7172's Avatar
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    My Momma always said "Dont be a fool, Wrap your Tool!"

  14. #14
    Registered User Naughty Nudists's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2play7172 View Post
    My Momma always said "Dont be a fool, Wrap your Tool!"
    Good advice.My mama always told me that "Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you gonna get!"

  15. #15
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    I would not recommend any of you to have uprotected sex ever. This may be very dangerous. I know what I am talking about, because I am hiv infected. Long story short, I had a drunk one night stand with a girl which I have picked in a night club. When I got sober I took a HIV rna test, and it has shown a positive result. From that moment my life was totally ruined. Don't play with fire.

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