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Thread: Cameras and video!

  1. #1
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    Talking Cameras and video!

    Notwithstanding the general rule that cameras are officially a "no no" how exactly does everyone else deal with this when others seem to ignore the rule (or the consideration of others)?

    I get that some people really want to take videos of the performers. I get that some people want to live their life through a lens.

    But here's the thing. Out of every encounter we've had at HII the only thing that gets me upset is when I see people with there phones, cameras etc. scanning the audience at show time (or even near Delroys)!

    I (we) really enjoy our time together at the resort. We want to let our hair down (where we have hair) and not have to worry about the possibility of our images showing up on the web.

    Yes , I know if your mention it to an EC they'll try and stop the person, but why should it come to that?
    In my (personal) opinion as soon as the staff (any staff) sees a camera it should be stopped.

    I'm not talking about a couple (or couples) taking their own pics of themselves but I really don't want a stranger to catch my image.

    Other members thoughts on this is appreciated.

    (26 more days!!!)

  2. #2
    Registered User Naughty Nudists's Avatar
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    If it is any help,the first thing I learned living in a HOA is that people think the rules apply to their neighbors but for some reason,they are excluded!

  3. #3
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    I have never been, but I was under the impression that cameras are only prohibited in the nude areas.

  4. #4
    Registered User Davenrose's Avatar
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    We have had this happen a couple time times, and a polite but firm, "please do not take my picture" does the trick. Of course there is always the jerk taking random pictures without consideration of anyone else, and with total disregard of the rules. Security or staff members usually address them promptly.

  5. #5
    Registered User bibabe's Avatar
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    Had someone ask me this past year to take a pic of her at the nude pool. I said did you ask any of the people in the background if they minded being in your photo? Her response was oh they won't care I just want a pic of me here. I refused! Sorry but first your not suppose to take pics and by the chance you are you have no right getting other people in your shot without their permission...period!!! Kills me that some people have the nerve to think that just because you go to a nude resort it must mean you are so layed back that you don't care. We all have families and jobs. We go here because we can get away from our real lives and not have it bite us in the ass later. People with no consideration for others is what ruins it. Now if we know you and feel comfortable please feel free to ask us if you can take a pic of us and in most cases we are fine but have the consideration to ask first!
    Last edited by bibabe; 07-28-2013 at 12:05 PM.
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  6. #6
    Registered User PNK's Avatar
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    If you want a photo of the pool (nude or prude) take it early in the morning when nobody is around -- no problem there.

    At the main pool, photography has been part of the action for as long as I've been visiting -- and that's a long time. If I'm asked to take somebody's picture, I move in close (head and shoulders, of head to toe, with the frame cutting everyone else out of the shot. After all, who want random crowds in the back of your vacation shots.

    The real problem is not the photography, or owning a photo of unknown people, it's the posting of those shots. There is NEVER any excuse for posting photos of people who have not given permission -- unless the photos were at a public place or event. And even then respecting privacy is a must.

    Photography at places other than the nude beach and pool has always been OK -- otherwise we would never get those great wedding shots etc.

    If you have a face that must never be seen at Hedo, I guess you can't go. At least mask evening is sort of incognito.


  7. #7
    Registered User mac_r_a's Avatar
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    When we were there in April everynight as they were about to do the guest costume contest the EC's would say "no photography" and usually add that you do not know every person on the stage, so no pictures. They said it was ok to take photos of the EC's when they were on stage, but you should go to the front to do it as not to get any guests in the photos. I rarely saw a camera there at all the week we were there. We took group photos of friends everynight, but we would go to the back of the dining area by the washroom everynight to have our little photo shoot. And whenever anyone would want to get through we would stop shooting. I don't have a single picture with anyone other then our friends in it, even in the background. We wanted to do some pictures of the afternoon prude pool takeover, but there was not a single spot where there were not people (it was a rocking party!!!) so we did not do any photos. It is about respect.
    LUSH - Ladies Untamed Sexy Hedonistic - April 16-23, 2022

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  8. #8
    Registered User bibabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mac_r_a View Post
    When we were there in April everynight as they were about to do the guest costume contest the EC's would say "no photography" and usually add that you do not know every person on the stage, so no pictures. They said it was ok to take photos of the EC's when they were on stage, but you should go to the front to do it as not to get any guests in the photos. I rarely saw a camera there at all the week we were there. We took group photos of friends everynight, but we would go to the back of the dining area by the washroom everynight to have our little photo shoot. And whenever anyone would want to get through we would stop shooting. I don't have a single picture with anyone other then our friends in it, even in the background. We wanted to do some pictures of the afternoon prude pool takeover, but there was not a single spot where there were not people (it was a rocking party!!!) so we did not do any photos. It is about respect.
    Sounds like your first year at H3 when you came to me and I had to get management to delete all those photos from that guys camera!
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  9. #9
    Registered User mac_r_a's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bibabe View Post
    Sounds like your first year at H3 when you came to me and I had to get management to delete all those photos from that guys camera!
    Yeah back when I was kinda shy, lol. No one that knows me at Hedo would think that of me at all, especially after my word fight from the nude pool with the lady on the 2nd floor above the nude pool in 2011. The pool parted so I could walk across it screaming at her (me without a voice at the time, lol). Nothing shy about me standing up against others doing wrong at Hedo now
    LUSH - Ladies Untamed Sexy Hedonistic - April 16-23, 2022

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  10. #10
    Registered User gsml's Avatar
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    We've taken pictures at various resorts in the early morning when there is nobody around, and during the day, we have asked other people to take pictures of us. Sometimes there have been other people in the picture but we always have had their permission - usually they want a copy too. If we post them, we crop them first to remove anybody but us, or blur out any other body parts that may peek in...

    Personally i am not too worried about someone else with an obvious camera, easy to spot and you can get out of the way or talk to the person, I worry more about all the other cameras that is now the norm on all wi-fi tablets and readers. Can't see them banning these.

    Besides, i am sure that most of us have been photographed nude by someone in those annoying tourist boats that go by the nude beach or the other catamarans that we go by while on the nude cruise. On more than one occasion i have been photographed by gawkers...

  11. #11
    Registered User mac_r_a's Avatar
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    I seen lots of e readers at Desire when we were there, but have yet to see one at Hedo. Too much going on to read a book, lol
    LUSH - Ladies Untamed Sexy Hedonistic - April 16-23, 2022

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  12. #12
    Registered User earthangel496's Avatar
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    Actually did see security question someone at the nude pool with a tablet last year.
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  13. #13
    Registered User anitathediva's Avatar
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    If you see someone taking inappropriate photos contact the first employee or security guard you see and tell them to go check that camera and deal with the offender. They will do it!

  14. #14
    Registered User Ken_Memphis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsml View Post
    Besides, i am sure that most of us have been photographed nude by someone in those annoying tourist boats that go by the nude beach or the other catamarans that we go by while on the nude cruise. On more than one occasion i have been photographed by gawkers...
    True We all were blinded by the flashes from Ricks When the naked cruise pulled up

  15. #15
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    I don't think any of the true eReaders have cameras, but of course the tablets do. I saw a lot of Kindles and the like at Hedo (down the beach some away from the pool, obviously). Kindles work very well on a bright beach, unlike Nooks which (at least when I had had one) have way too much glare (maybe they are better now).

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