When I was at H3 in April I had an issue with a camera in the prude area, which cameras are allowed. I was in a contest and I had on a sarong and was dancing and of course I was showing ALL of me under it. Two guys started taking pictures and I stopped and said I wanted to be done the contest. The entertainment staff then annoucned "no pictures please". Apparently the "rules are" - If there is nakiedness during a contest the staff are suppose to announch no photos, but they hadn't. In their defence, we were all covered when we went up and I was the one flashing the crowd. The contest went on. Afterwards the staff went over and deleted all the pictures off the guys camera of me. The staff were great and tried to make me as comfortable as possible. They want people to let loose too and know if they are uncomfortable, then they won't. Thinking of it afterwards I should have went over with the staff and made sure there were no naked pictures of me, as the dressed ones I didn't care about. It turned out the guys wife was beside me in the contest and I felt really bad about it afterwards. What I would have liked buddy to do though is stand up and loudly announch or wave saying he was taking a picture; that way I could have made sure I was covered or got out of the way. But he was sitting taking them along with another guy at the table. So I guess my suggestion is - if you are going to be taking pictures that have people you don't know in it, clothed or naked, even in the prude area, annouch it loudly so they know, or don't take them. And if you see pictures taken of you, don't hesitate to ask to see them. If someone had asked to see my camera at any point, I would not have minded at all. It is not just naked either, some people have jobs/kids that they don't want to know they go there, so they may not want their picture taken even dressed. I don't care about that, but some do.