ATF Group Informal Meet-and-Greet?

  1. Jamaica Joe
    Jamaica Joe
    Hi Everyone...there are about a couple dozen of us in this group now. Given the semi-public nature of this website I understand that some people are reluctant to give there names or post pics (especially those who work as teachers or other govt licensed employees). Would everyone be willing to get-together for an informal meet-and-greet of ATF group members on Sunday, March 8th at 11:00 a.m. on the prude pool patio next to the nude waterside entrance? Most of us will be there on that date, so we could put faces to the ATF screen-names here.

    I'll wear my "Jamaica Joe" black baseball hat and sit at a table there. Maybe we could arrange to have a short ATF group excursion and seafood lunch at Booby Cay Island just off the nude beach. Please let me know!
  2. bpcouple
    We r up for a meet and greet
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