
  1. LIHedocpl
    Hi everyone!! We met some of you last year and we are looking forward to seeing you all again and meeting some new friends as well. Awesome site! Well done Jeff&Rae - thanks for setting up the group. So much better than a yahoo group that people sometimes do. We are on yahoo if you ever want to chat us up there: ursonvious

  2. locogringo
    Say Hey-Hey Tracy . So glad to see that you made your way to these parts. Can't wait to see you & Dave come November. We've got the general thread that we're all using to keep in touch, but by all means if anyone wants to spin off a specific thread for pointed conversations the floor is open like a trucker's rest stop.
  3. shellysdoughboy
    TRACEYS in the house , whats up girl ? hard to believe that we are almost to the half way point time is flying by but at the same time its at a stand still
  4. shellysdoughboy
    this is it young lady
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