Sexapalooza 2011

  1. Ellafant
    Heading out to shop and check things, fun, fun in Jamaica!!
  2. pondside
    Well well !! having been to your country once or twice you def. have an advantange over us in that department !! maybe we can talk latter ? Wink wink hope hope!!!
  3. sunnnysideup69
    Were out on an overnighter hitting ALL the naughty stores... New School girl outfit, New PJ night lingerie,just fetish night stuff left to get
  4. Whtzup
    Stomping feet like a little child!!!! Want Want Want!! Pouting in the Corner!!!
  5. pondside
    Batteries or extension cord? LOL!!!
  6. sunnnysideup69
    Hey guys how was the Sexapalooza show ?We did it last year in Toronto had a blast and bought some FUN stuff there
  7. Ellafant
    it was a blast.....pole dancing was chill. Think I may take the beginners class....and the toys..what can I say!!
  8. pondside
    Never herd of this one, of course you canucks always have the best sex !!!
    how much pole do you need to be a beginner's helper LOL!!!
Results 1 to 8 of 8