HEDO3 april 09

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  1. BC219
    We'll be there on the 25th (through May 2nd). Save some rum for us!
  2. shanon7219
    we will be there the April 27th-May 2nd
  3. Islander_Couple
    We'll be there April 18th through April 25th! This will be our 6th trip.

    Plenty of rum to go around.....
  4. Fun2ForU
    April 18th-25th!
  5. tonyandco1
    Couple of Brits will be there April 20 to April 27
  6. partynekkid
    Glad to see a few of my friends here already! 4/21-27, We'll see you there!
  7. BC219
    Hi Everyone, sorry to say but we had to cancel and won't be joining you. Hope everyone has a good time and hope we can chat when you get back. I'd love to hear all the details of what we missed out on. Have a good time and have a sfe trip. Leave some rum and Red Stripe for us!
  8. JCPNomad
    I'll be there April 11-19...
  9. PB&J
    Put us down for April 21 - 26. First timers!
  10. MaryW
    Came to post here and then realized this is a group for 2009...but if anyone else comes along who is going in 2010:

    My husband Jim and I are at H3 from 4/23 - 5/1. As you may know we are hosting the Spring Break group scheduled from 4/24-5/1.

    Anyone who is overlapping our dates is welcome to come say hi on our message board and meet the rest of the group: http://hedo3chat.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=2010
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