Last week of June, first week of July

  1. mykonosflyer
    Is anyone of you newbies at H III at this time (except prican - we know you are there and we'll have a drink together )?
  2. prican
    yeah, just look for us or ask for the Puerto Ricans.......jejeje
  3. kandm
    this is our first time and we want it to be memorable< so we get there on the 21st of June, Marry on the 24th and my bday is on the 27th! I am sooo excited. And now also happy there will hot latinas there as well Will be nice to meet you Prican. I am latina as well but my fiance speaks the spanish for the both of us. I moved around too much to really keep the language. So much forgotten I can now only understand some. If i try to speak it it sounds butchered. I leave that to my mexigringo! Any tips or things we should no b4 we come? Is there better rooms or whatnot we should be asking for? i believe we are suppose to be in gardenview on nude side.
  4. kennmill
    this will be our first trip to h3, the wife and i are very exicited
  5. Rodney0218
    Pnina and Rodney will be there, cant wait
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