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Verizon Availability @ HedoII

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First timers going 1/25 through 1/30 and cannot wait!!!!!
Question for all who have been there previously; are you able to use your cells (Verizon) there? Any information you can give is greatly appreciated!

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  1. newhedovirgins's Avatar
    I called verizon yesterday about this so I thought I'd give you the info I received. First they said that there is no charge to add international calling to the phone. It can be added and removed at anytime. I have a blackberry but I guess some phones/accounts don't have the capability so you would have to check. I was told that any outgoing calls from jamaica to the U S are treated as a regular call but any incoming are charged $1.99/min. Also they gave me the emergency number while there and it is 1-1-9 which I thought was good to know. Our local verizon dealer didn't really seem to know a lot about it so I called the cust. service # 1-800-922-0204. Also their website has the details on it. Hope this helps.
  2. grantjen's Avatar
    Just a little more info for you regarding using your Verizon phone while in Jamaica... I personally am using a Blackberry 8830 with the Global (either 4 0r 5 bucks a month) feature... Keeping in mind the fact that my plan allows for unlimited data and voice - which may or may not apply to you - I was able to use my device just as if I were still in Georgia... I received all of my calls an emails - along with text messages from my daughter - and my bill simply displayed the origin but no additional charges even for voice... your plan and/or phone (device, even though a Blackberry) may be different but thought I'd add in my "two-cents" - We arrive on the 24th and fly back out on the 31st - - hope to mee you guys!!