Conversation Between 2good2btru and boatlover1995

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Jennifer, Just thought we would say "Hello" to you & Kay, hope all is well.....Jo- & Mark
  2. We still have 6 more sleeps.....but it's getting closer.....
  3. 4 more sleeps people!!! Can u believe it?? Bye kids! Bye freezing temps! Bye clothes! HELLO HEDO
  4. We land in Atlanta on Monday 28th at about 9pm, and leave there Tuesday morning about 8am for Montego Bay!!!!!! We got 12 days...
  5. Hey there!! Omg, these are gonna be the longest 11 days of our lives!!! Our flight leaves Atlanta right before noon on the 27th, wut about u??
  6. Hey Guys, haven't heard from ya in a while, 12 days for us, so I know it's even less for you two.....See ya there... Jo- & Mark
  7. 28 Days for us till Mo Bay.....WOW!!!!! Can't be nekkid in the hot Jamaican sun..Hope you Guys have your wardrobe for the theme nights, Jo- & I are planning on dressing/undressing up, and I must apologise, you had asked me about when we get into Atlanta the night before, we are suppose to land @ 8:45pm, key word, "suppose" who knows with the weather, and Holiday travel congestion, I had flown to meet Jo- in Tennessee in August, I was delayed 1 hr cause we had to wait for the Captain to land, and Jo- was delayed about 4 hours cause of rain & wind, and that was in August. We were suppose to fly out Tuesday morning from Newark and get on the plane in Atlanta about 1:40 minutes later, I got scared, and changed it to the night before, I figure we have a 13 hour comfort zone....LOL...If I miss a flight cuming home, I really don't care, but delay me in getting there, and I won't be a happy camper, and that is putting it mildly..... Jo- & Mark
  8. 27 more days!!! Yessss
  9. Lol... Yeah, I think I have that same problem with packing but sshhh, don't tell Mystikal we have to be prepared fir ANY and ALL situations. But hopefully Jo and I won't have a need for all the clothes we'll be packing so ready to be NAKED!!! U know we're in ATL, wut night will u be spending here?? We leave on the 27th....
  10. LOL... 36 days for us, unless you count in going to Atlanta the night before, than it's 35 days for us also. If I let Jo- start packing now, forgetaboutit....we would never be able to close or pick up the suitcases.....I have never seen a person bring so many clothes to a resort that you don't need clothes for???? But I'm not complaining....
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