Conversation Between 2good2btru and keystone

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Mine comes in from Miami @ 8:00 pm, so I'm staying in Mobay that night and will head out Mon. morning.It is a really long travel day as I start 2:30 am California time. See you Monday, don't drink all the rum !
  2. I am soooo packed and ready!!! We're suppose to land in montego bay around 3:45pm... When does ur flight get in??
  3. Hope your packed and ready !! Jamaica on Sunday ! WOO HOO
  4. We arrive Sunday as well!! See u poolside
  5. I'll be in jamaica this Sunday ! what day you do you guys get in ? My countdown clock shows 5 days , WOOOOO HOOOOOO
  6. 6 more days buddy!! Woo hoo!
  7. My clock is showing 26 days also woo hoo !! This will be a fun trip. See you there.
  8. Woohoo! 26 more days for us!! See u in paradise
  9. Hey guys thanks for the invite, I arrive at H3 on the 28th and leave on the 1st. I usually go to H2 but wanted to do something a little bit different Looking forward to meeting you and having a great NYE's
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9