Conversation Between keystone and The Travel Slut

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Ken! (lol)...I have some photos also for I am uploading a bunch into my Flickr Hedo and Yahoo! Groups right now too. Do I have you email?
    Me, I'm:
    And as lovable as ever. :-)
  2. Hello Ann ! Another fun trip! Tell Charlie I said Hello , I will send you some photos and I really like your new avitar !
    Bob aka ...Ken
  3. Hi Ann, yes most of us seem to be going again. And looks like we will be all crossing over into your week too.Looking forward to seeing you again and it is going to be another great June ! I will be sending you an invite to the Yahoo June group in a couple of days. Feel free to have your group join in too !
  4. Hi again...just checking to see if you and B52's are coming in June???/
  5. Are we there yet ? are we there yet ...? ect......
  6. "Close" is good when talking about leaving for Hedo and if my math is correct, it looks like we are now under 100 hours! :-)
  7. We are almost there !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7