Conversation Between chasenikki and Face Down

7 Visitor Messages

  1. We are looking forward to seeing you two as well as the Amigo family.
    How do we join the yahoo group?
  2. Zup guys....we will be seeing you soon!!!
  3. HIII in III for you guys. I feel the excitement for you.
    Are you packed and ready to go?
    It's crazy around here. LOL
  4. Down to days, we are getting excited.
    Looking forward to meeting the rowdy Hedo Amigos.
  5. 17 days for us!!!
  6. The March countdown is about to begin.
  7. Read your blog entry...Damn Girl how long did it take you to go through the whole calendar??? We will be there the 20th-27th...if you want to join up with the Amigos send me a PM with a Yahoo ID or email and I will get an invite out to you! Looking forward to meeting you two!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7