Conversation Between adults_only and Miss B Haven 2

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I haven't been on this site for awhile. How was Hedo 2? We had to miss our spring trip, first Easter we have been home in 6 years, , but will making our "virgin" visit to H2 in August with the JBC. We hope npt to stay virgins too long, lol. Take care!!!
  2. hi ....hows everything....any spring trip lined up....we are booked at H2 March 23 for 10 days
  3. We are envious of you....wish we could get away but not possible at this time of the year. Hope you have a great trip, let us know how it went
  4. We're going to miss you guys while we are rockin' it and saying goodbye to Hedo in 6 days!!!!
  5. hey guys hows everything....was nice hanging out with you guys, we've been enjoying the rum you left us....thanks for the bottles, funny how we didn't even know we were neighbourgs
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5