Conversation Between Miss B Haven 2 and medics

5 Visitor Messages

  1. J'espere que les gent de 50 ans ne vous font pas peure....on a un peut de millage sur nos corps may on aime ca les party come vous jeune
  2. Bon jour...on depart pour Toronto demain midi.....nous passons un soir a Toronto....ensuite notre vole pour Jamaique depart a 10:25 a.m. Mercredi , nous arrivons a Hedo environ 3:30 de l'apres midi......le party commence pour 10 jour de suite.....bon voyage ....on vous attend....ALWAYS LOOKING TO MISBEHAVE
  3. we should be there around 2pm on friday 25...we land in mobay at 12:50...from ottawa...
  4. We can wait to go party down there...our first hedo experience and we will party our ass off....look for the frenchy from quebec ...won`t be hard to find us....!
  5. Hi....welcome to the group....we will be there March 23 to April 2.....see this is your first trip, you will have a blast....hope to meet you there and share a few drinks and laughs...if you bump into us stop and say hello....looking forward to seeing you soon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5