Conversation Between baghdaddy1 and CLEAR

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I dont think I'll have any problem recognizing you because I have a cousin in Kansas City who could pass as your twin.
  2. Clear, we are going to be there soon.....the days are counting down my friend.
  3. you are so right ....everyday is a day closer to hedo....I so cannot wait for it myself. Keep those tan lines down and we shall see you there
  4. go to the hedo 2 forum, look at travel days and then go from there
    not everyone going posts on this site
  5. Evearclear,Clearlyinsane,Crystalclear, I dont know what best describes us,probably clearly out of our league,but what the fuck every day we live is one day closer to dyin and with only one chance why not live it up.
  6. Hey there Clear, I am assuming it like EVERCLEAR, we shall see you down there during your visit and look forward to meeting you two. Until then, keep those tan lines down.......
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6